We were forced to carry over the sale to the Monday after the national holiday. 我们不得不将销售工作推到国庆节后的那个星期一。
And, powerful Rift Valley politician and presidential hopeful William Ruto was also forced to resign his cabinet post after being charged with benefiting from the illegal sale of government land. 势力很大的裂谷省政治人物、有望当选总统的威廉。鲁托在被控从非法出售政府土地中获利之后也被迫辞去部长职务。
Even then, they were forced to convert their own currency into Renminbi to buy an asset, and convert back again on sale a costly and time-consuming exercise. 即使如此,它们也不得不先将本币兑换为人民币以购买资产,在售出资产后再兑换为本币这是一个耗钱耗时的操作。
Research on the System of Forced Sale of Ship 关于强制拍卖船舶制度若干问题的探讨
Forced sale value of an asset 资产迫卖价值、资产抛售价值
If such a forced sale occurs, Citi faces the probability of complete share price collapse. 一旦出现这种强制抛售的局面,花旗股价可能面临全面崩溃。
A senior Lehman executive admitted the group was reluctant to part with a majority stake in Neuberger but was forced to press ahead with the sale after failing to secure a capital infusion from a strategic investor. 一位雷曼高管承认,该集团本不愿意出售neuberger的多数股权,但在从战略投资者获取资金注入的努力失败后,不得不推进出售计划。
Main products: Principle product, Jade article exhibition, Expand, The expansion Xinjiang and the farmland jade, Carry the camp principle with Chin-pen of the publicity forced sale. 主营:理念产品。玉器展览:弘扬、推广新疆和田玉,以宣传拍卖的资本运营理念。
He did not give details of any new concessions that Wanxiang might have been forced to make, but said the transaction was the same as had been originally envisaged when the sale was first agreed in December. 他没有就万向可能被迫作出的妥协提供更多细节,不过他表示,交易细节与去年12月双方最初谈妥交易时所设想的没什么不同。
If a buyer misses too many payments, a lender may try to reclaim the house through a forced sale. 如果购房者错过太多支付房贷的话,借贷者可以试图通过强制卖房的方式以收回房子。
A civil aircraft lien shall not be extinguished because of the transference of the ownership of the civil aircraft; except that the civil aircraft was the subject of a forced auction sale in accordance with law. 民用航空器优先权不因民用航空器所有权的转让而消灭;但是,民用航空器经依法强制拍卖的除外。
Forced remarriage, the sale of widows, and the difficulties of widow chastity were components of paradoxical interactive cycle in Qing society. we have full-court press, half-court press, zone press, one-man press and two-man press. 清代社会弥漫的抢孀逼嫁、拐卖之风,与寡妇守节之「困境」间,实存在互为循环的吊诡。紧逼有全场紧逼、半场紧逼、区域紧逼、一人紧逼和双人紧逼之分。
But, after recording in 2009 a 140m loss and losing half its revenues as a result of the financial crisis and recession, the company was forced by the end of last year to put itself up for sale. 但是,受到金融危机和经济衰退的影响,普茨迈斯特在2009年出现1.4亿欧元的亏损,损失了一半的营业收入,最终不得不在去年底开始寻找买家。
With respect to the ship or the property salved that cannot be kept or cannot be properly kept, or the storage charge to be incurred may exceed its value, the salvor may apply for an earlier forced sale by auction. 通过血缘关系或遗嘱获取财产的行为。对于无法管、不易保管或者保管费用可能超过其价值的获救的船舶和其他财产,可以申请提前拍卖。
The forced sale of ships by banks also tended to reduce values further, allowing the few owners with funds to build up fleets ready for the upturn. 银行强制拍卖船舶,往往会进一步降低船舶的价值,而少数不缺资金的船东则得以借机扩大船队,为市场回暖作准备。
However, the court forced sale of the private nature of the legal system or whether the law on the punishment, directly affect the legal effect of the auction. 然而,法院强制拍卖的性质究竟系私法上的法律行为还是公法上的处分行为,直接影响到拍卖的法律效果。
In forced sale ships all quarters litigant legal relationship analysis 强制拍卖船舶中各方当事人法律关系分析
The third part of a forced auction sale in China mainly describe the system and practice the existing limitations and problems. 第三部分着重叙述我国强制拍卖制度和实践中存在的一些不足和问题。
The fourth part of a forced auction sale in China to perfect the system of the proposed some Suggestions. 第四部分对我国强制拍卖制度的完善提出了一些自己的建议。
Combined with the practice of the complex relationship between various main interests, the subject of a forced auction sale in China at present social evaluation and implementation effects are not satisfactory. 加上实践中多方主体之间利益关系复杂,目前我国强制拍卖的社会评价和执行效果都不尽如人意。